What better way to spend a cold, rainy Saturday in October than to sit with seed catalogs to begin plotting out a plan for next year's garden? And so that's how I spent my afternoon yesterday - sitting at the kitchen table with a gentle fire crackling in the wood stove, dogs lying at my feet, and a hot drink
* to take away any remaining chill. Outside, an industrious squirrel ran back and forth, up and down the hickory tree, collecting all the nuts he could, their husks falling, making a hollow kerplunking sound as they bounced among the tulip poplar leaves glued by the rain to the wet deck.
Yes, even endlessly dreary, rainy days have their moments.
The hot drink? Milky coffee with a tiny shot of walnut liqueur.
Kathleen - To me that sounds like a heavaenly way to spend a rainy Saturday! Thanks for sharing and thanks for this blog! Its a real treat to follow your progress (for those of us with similar interests!)
My hot drink of choice right now is hot cider with rum. I've had a few of these types of days lately, too!
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